Monday, January 14, 2013

Self Absorbed

I, I, I. That's all my sentences seem to begin with these days. In this day and age it's not really all that surprising. The media and culture of this world tells us it's all about you, and that the world revolves around what you are doing, where you are going, what you are eating when, where and with whom.

This has become a very hard habit for me to break. To stop thinking about me, me, me, and instead think about others. To put others needs first. This is what Jesus taught. He taught that we should treat others as we  treat ourselves, but to also think of other's needs as better than our own.

I have...stop it Katherine! Let me start again. My mission today was to try to treat others in this manner, but I found it very hard to be enthusiast, I could blame it on Monday-itis, but that's not really the cause. I don't know, maybe it is that I have been doing the same tasks at my job for too long, maybe I am sick of saying the same thing, seeing the same faces and just need a change. When I serve customers I wonder if they really see who I am, or just see the servant. I guess that doesn't really matter, as to be one of Christ's followers is to humble yourself like he did and to serve others with joy. Sometimes I find it a very difficult task though, especially if they are not always happy.

What I am trying to explain is that to care about others is to want to share part of your spirit, your soul with them, and in doing so it is sometimes nice to see that they want to reciprocate. It is painful though when others do not seem to see your efforts or do not have the time to care. But I guess it works both ways; sometimes I do not have the time to care for some of my customer's spiritual needs and can't talk long enough to express that I do indeed care about what happens to them after they get home and unpack their groceries. I care if they don't come in to shop for a couple of weeks because they have had to have an operation or they physically couldn't make it in for one reason or another. I also care about the regulars who come in every week or just about everyday, sometimes I wonder if this is a way to stave off loneliness. I know that I have been known to go shopping purely just to get out of the house for a while.

It's not like I haven't thought about their needs before, and I often try to put myself into other people's shoes, so to speak. But during my work shifts I can still hear a voice nagging at me, saying, "Hurry up, serve the next customer, don't worry about this one, they are fine." Sometimes I need the nagging voice, as I can be quite a slow grocery packer but at other times it is quite beneficial to show patience towards the customers. Nobody likes to be pushed out of the way, brushed away like a biscuit crumb.

This may all be obvious to you but sometimes I need a reminder to be genuine and actually show genuine love for people. I wonder how my actions actually stand up to God's standards... I know that I'm a sinner, (we all are) so I can never live up to his standards perfectly, but if He had a check list for how to behave I wonder how I and everyone else would measure up!

I have just found a helpful link that suggests three ways to avoid being so self-absorbed in our lives. Hopefully it inspires and encourages. Anyway, I have finished my little rant for this evening, enjoy and take care. :)


  1. As someone who has been referred to as "The Grumpy One" at work I can assure you that what you are trying to do is tough but will be worth it for your own pride in your job and the joy you will be providing as what may be the only smiling and interested face in an otherwise bleak world for some of your customers.

    Your thoughts on some of your regulars coming in to stave off loneliness may not be that far from the truth. I have come to the end of a day and sometimes realise that the only person I actually spoke to was the smiling face behind the supermarket cash register. The world we now live in can isolate people from contact with other people. While the Internet and social networking may allow us to keep in contact and have an insite into the thoughts of others it doesn't negate the fact that we as social creatures need to interact with others in a more real way.

    While I believe that Jesus' new commandment; as written in John 13:34-35; "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." is something to strive for I also think that one of the underpinning philosophies of Jesus' teaching was one about judging others by no standard than that of God. Jesus spent time with people who were seen at the time to be the lowest of the low; but he treated them as God would see them, as people with the right to be and live their lives free of persecution.

    Hmm ... I did rant a little bit there but let's see if I can find my point. You would get to see all walks of life coming through the checkout everyday you work, see them as important customers and the interesting people they are. Try to smile politely and don't get dejected by those people who are in a hurry to just get their shopping done and out as quickly as possible ... they are not judging you or the job you are doing. Try to smile and look interested when one of your regular customers tells you the same story every time you see them; you may be the only friendly face they see that day and are so very important to them at that moment.

    I just hope that you can keep that smile, keep serving and never ever get referred to as 'The Grumpy One" ... that's my job!

  2. Hey Damon,

    Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I guess I have been feeling a bit low lately. I just wish the world was a more caring place. Having said that though, I have noticed a few random acts of kindness for some of the customers, not only towards me but towards each other too.

    Also having experienced a few grumpy checkout operators in my time, my aim is to give my customers a better shopping experience, and if I can make them smile or entertain them in some way then that is a bonus. :)

    I hope you have a better time at work and have a great week! If not, well God is with you anyway and will see you through. Challenges make life interesting I guess, sometimes they are just a real pain though. :P
