Thursday, August 16, 2012

Poetry Procrastination

Believe it or not I actually have been trying to write poetry all afternoon, I just haven't got to it yet. It is now 7.50pm. :S Oh dear. For the later part of this afternoon I have been trying to work out how to adjust my layout on this blog and really, really wanted to add  the following image either behind or next to my title (Katz's Space). I could place it underneath my title but then there is too much empty space on the right hand side of my page.

Isn't it pretty?!   : )

I found this pic on Facebook the other day and couldn't resist saving it. There are a few other pics I have saved from Facebook recently too.  Such as...

This one! 

I love fairies. I love drawing them, painting them, collecting pics, photos and figurines of them. I also really like butterflies. If I was ever to write a children's picture book, I would really like to write a story about fairies, just so I could illustrate it as well. I used to read Shirley Barber's books when I was younger so she has been a big inspiration for me as I was growing up.

I also really like watching Doctor Who, both the new and old series. I really liked the Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker due to his eccentric ways and his humongous, outrageously long scarf!  But in the new series my particular favourite has been David Tennant, who just happens to be the Tenth Doctor

And finally... what would have to be the cutest of them all...

I just had to share this one with my bestie. I think she appreciated it. However, it is unfortunate that they spelt "roar" wrong. I understand that this was probably done on purpose, but the grammar Nazi in me just wants to cross it out and rewrite it correctly in black texta!

Lol so yes, blogger is a great way for me to procrastinate unfortunately. But it also does help me to start writing, so this hasn't been a complete waste of time I guess! I just wish Blogger was easier to work out with regards to layout and formatting! 


  1. The book is a great photo. There are people out there with amazing talent and plenty of time on their hands. A great representation of the world that comes to life in books.

    Fezzes are most definitely cool! Haven't watched a lot of the older series of Dr Who but am now a huge fan of the reboot of the franchise starting with Christopher Eccelston. David Tennant is my current favourite Doctor and initially there was something about Matt Smith that I just didn't like; however he is slowly growing on me. The next series is due early September.

    While 'rawr' may appear to be spelt wrong; but do you speak and write fluent dinosaur? May just be their spelling ;-D

    Blogger isn't the easiest thing to work with but it's free and seems to work OK. Might be worth checking your time settings as your posts appear to be on Central US time.

  2. Yes it is. :D I think it is supposed to be some sort of pop-up book! It is amazing how delicate it is. It also reminds me of how the imagination can run wild when writing and reading, it is an encouraging photo.

    The older Doctor Who series are quite funny, the technology obviously isn't as advanced with regards to special effects but it is still quite entertaining. I agree, there is something about Matt Smith that isn't quite right. He is okay as the Doctor but doesn't seem to fill the role as well as some of the others.

    Well it is spelt wrong according to Australian English standards. As for Dinosaur language I have no idea. :P I can be forgiving though because I know my spelling isn't always up to scratch either.

    It certainly isn't! I Blogger to be very restrictive to work with, unless you are quite advanced technology wise. I would love to know how to fix my time settings if possible, that was another thing I was trying to check out yesterday but didn't know how- or if- I could change it! If you find out how, please inform me. :D

    1. Really must find and watch some of the older Doctor Who series. I expect the visual effects would be along the lines of the early Star Trek series but if the story is good the visual effects don't matter all that much in the end. The great effects in the current series will also look dated in 20 years time but hopefully the story will survive.

      I find my spelling is actually getting worse over time. I think it is a case of giving up the fight when typing using iOS devices that seem to want to only use US spelling for things. At least I don't use a lot of text speak in my writing, or at least try not to. LOL Cats also have a lot to answer for when it comes to bad spelling in images ... cute photos but bad spelling.

      While blogger can be restrictive to work with I do think there is a lot to be said for how it sets things up by default. For me the time issue was the biggest frustration; until I managed to fix it; as the visual side of things doesn't bother me that much. I read a lot of blogs where it seems to be that they are all style and very little substance. I don't think that having pretty background images and flashing text or sounds really adds to the blog. In many cases it has made them very hard to read and I give up after a short time. Keep your blog about what goes into it rather than what it looks like.

      A word of warning before changing your time settings; it may be worth while recording which post you did on which dates as in my case when I reset the time settings it made my posts appear to be on the same day. Fortunately I only had two posts (new to this blog writing thing) and they were on consecutive days which may be why it modified things how it did.

      To change your time zone settings:

      1. When logged into your blog select the customize link ... top right hand corner at the top of your blog.
      2. Select "Settings" ... left hand side of the page, last option
      3. Select "Language and formatting" ... fourth option under Settings
      4. Modify settings as required ... Adelaide is (GMT +09:30) Central Time - Adelaide

  3. I love Dr Who, too. The fourth doctor has to be the best but I have a soft spot for the 10th because he was the first I saw. I like the 11th, too-he doesn't seem as approachable sometimes, though.
    Anyway, you could try putting it in photoshop(if you have photoshop) and making a banner with the picture and your blog name. I'm all for making blogs prettier. I worked on transforming mine a while ago and still have some things I'd like to add or change about it.

  4. Haven't put Photoshop on to laptop yet, but could give that a go one of these days. Also haven't had time to experiment with time zone settings. Tomorrow maybe, if I don't get distracted again! :S Thanks for both of your advice. :D

    I thought you might appreciate the Doctor Who pic Kathryn. :) I was watching the 11th Doctor the other night, but according to one of my house mates I was watching an old ep. of last series. (The episode when the doctor supposedly dies by being shot by Melody Pond then leaves you in suspense until the last minute.)

  5. There is a way to put the picture on as the background - you need to get into the 'Template" (I find this on the left hand side - when you log in you see three buttons next to the blog title and then go to the custom option and work from there. Which is how I got the sunset as my background - a shot I took a few years ago)

    Hope this helps
