Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Truth is absolute

I had an interesting conversation with some one the other day and it got me thinking about what people's opinions are about the truth.

It seems there are various opinions about truth and whether it can change according to situations and points of view.

But this is what I know...

Truth is absolute. If it is not absolute then how can we trust that anything is real in our lives?

If truth was not an absolute we would question everything we do, see and experience.

If truth is relative, then it cannot logically be true. If something is only half true then how can we believe that it is really true?

For example, in the courts we are told to "...tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth etc." They do not tell us to tell 30% of the truth, or 90% of the truth.

Truth is not relative, it cannot change no matter what the situation is.

Perceptions are relative, they can change according to situations etcetera, but truth is not relative. Truth stays the same.

If you don't believe me, read these 2 websites, they make some very good points! They can explain it a whole lot better than me.


  1. There can be no absolute truth as you perceive it.

    Generally, we perceive truth as facts, accurate records, etc. However all of these are only as true as we believe them based on our understanding of the subject in question.

    To possess an absolute truth one would require an absolute understanding of a subject and all related to it. As everything is relative one would require an understanding of the workings in all things, knowledge of all that was, is and will be.

    Therefore one would require an absolute understanding of everything to claim to know the absolute truth about anything.

    No doubt someone has said it before and expressed the thought in a more eloquent fashion but there's my 2 cents.

  2. So therefore what you are saying Jeff that you absolutely think that there is no absolute truth?!

    By disagreeing with my theory are you not absolutely refuting it?

    Or are you saying that you only half think that there is no absolute truth?

    It gives one something to think about doesn't it!
