This picture isn't very clear so if you actually want to beable to read what it says I'd use the link above if I were you!
It is meant to show a vandelised Wikipedia article on sponges. The paragraphs that have been changed have been highlighted in yellow. The sentence that has been added is highlighted in green, meaning it wasn't in the original version. I selected this page to show how easily Wikipedia pages can be changed by one thoughtless person who wants to edit or destroy someone's work. (The writing highlighted in green reads "Get a life losers".) I'm sure the author of the original article didn't find that comment amusing.
Part 2-If you do not already have one, start a blog. Write an article about blogs and include interviews with three bloggers. Take a photo and put it on the blog.
Blogs are becoming more useful everyday.
Regular bloggers: Sarah Jones, Tanya Souter and Hannah Graul explain why blogs are so useful and popular in these technological times.

1999. By August 1999, Evan Williams used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog," meaning "to edit one's weblog or to post on one's weblog").
Professional Writing student Sarah Jones has a personal blog at which features some of her interests... scouting, politics and humour. Sarah believes people use blogs to "... share with friends and family what is happening. Alternatively it is used to have their written work out there in the public arena or to have a platform for their message (political, social commentary etc.)"
Tanya Souter reads a lot of genre based blogs because of her love of craft. She visits blogs such as , , and Genre based blogs can be focused on just about anything from photography to travel blogs. Blogs can also be used to advertise one's business. Tanya also explained people use blogs so "...they can link up with people that are interested in the same things. It could be a hobby or it could be your job. You can get your ideas out, or pick up ideas from other people; practical ideas about what other people do in their profession. I know my husband looks at ambulance blogs and gets ideas about what goes on, how paramedics work in different countries."
Medical student Hannah Graul reads a lot of health blogs and stated, "It's not boring like reading a book full of research papers. It's good to read those kind of blogs as they tend to link to other blogs. So I start reading that blog and work outwards. There are lots of other sites that are connected to that blog. It can be interesting to read something that's scientific but it gets really dry and boring really quickly. It's a good way to put myself to sleep so I try not to read them too much."

One particular science blog Hannah reads is called "Mind Hacks".
" That's about Neuroplasticity; about how people are researching how the brain can change and do interesting things that weren't previously thought possible. So that's quite interesting and the person (author of the blog) is usually quite entertaining to read."
I have discovered that blogs are useful for many things. Whether they are being used for business, finishing an assignment, catching up with family and friends, reading about special interests or buying products, blogs are helping many people achieve their goals in one way or another. So what would you like to blog about?
Part 1
Part 2
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